Plum Streusel Cake
Ingredients: Streusel
- 30g/1 oz butter
- 60g/2 oz plain flour
- 60g 2 oz Demerara sugar
Rub the butter and flour together, then stir in the sugar. You can do this by hand or in a food processor.
Ingredients: Cake
- 110g/4 oz butter
- 110g/4 oz caster sugar
- 110g/4 oz self-raising flour
- 2 large eggs
In a food processor pulse the butter, sugar and flour; a few short pulses should be sufficient. Then add the eggs and mix in fully.
Spread the mixture in the base of a lined 8in/20cm round tin. Halve 1lb/450g plums and press into the mix, sideways on, like spokes in a cartwheel. Sprinkle the streusel mix over the top.
Bake for an hour or so at 180C/350F/Gas 4 until deep gold and cooked through. Cool in the tin, and eat with cream.