Simon Hopkinson's Sherry Trifle

This is taken from Simon Hopkinson’s book/TV series “Simon Hopkinson Cooks”. It’s a good example of my preferences in a trifle: a good sponge, no jelly, soft fruit (no tins of fruit cocktail), custard and cream. His finishing touch with crystallised violets is intriguing (if you can find them).


  • 3 eggs
  • SR flour (same weight as the eggs)
  • caster sugar (same weight as the eggs)
  • soft unsalted butter (same weight as the eggs) 1 tsp baking powder

Butter and line a 20cm square baking tin.

Beat all ingredients together and put in the tin.

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 180C.

Allow to cool on a rack and remove the greaseproof lining paper. Cut the cake in half (we are only going to use half, and save the rest for later; this is because of the integral nature of eggs). Cut the remainder into small pieces (roughly 2 inch squares will do) and spread with raspberry jam (Simon uses Bonne Maman). Add 125ml sherry (amontillado).

Place the pieces in a decorate glass bowl (plastic if you must), and cover with:

  • 250g frozen raspberries


  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 tbs caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

whisk all these ingredients together.

Then scald:

  • 200ml double cream
  • 150ml milk

Scald means heat as if you were going to boil it, but stop when small bubbles start to rise to the surface (and the temperate is approaching boiling point, probably 80C+). Allow to cool a little so that we don’t make scrambled eggs by mistake.

Add the warmed milk mix to the egg mixture, return to pan on lowest heat and whisk continually.

Pour over the sponge pieces, allow to cool for 10 minutes, then put in fridge for 2 hours.

Whipped cream:

  • 300ml double cream
  • 1 tbs caster sugar

Hand whisk with a couple of ice cubes between the wires of the whisk. Don’t overbeat, as it will separate if left to stand. Soft peaks is ideal.

Decorate with crystallised violets.