Chocolate Mousse
This recipe has surprising symmetry, as it uses 1 egg per person and 28g of chocolate. And nothing else. I think it comes from Elizabeth David, reminded by Felicity Cloake and Simon Hopkinson.
Separate the eggs. Melt the chocolate over a bain marie. Whip the egg whites to a firmish soft peaks stage. Beat the yolks into the chocolate. Fold the beaten whites into the chocolate mix by first stirring in 1/3 of the whites, then gently folding in the remaining 2/3. There’s no need for them to be completely mixed in, as that stands a high risk of losing air.
Put the mix into individual containers: water glasses, demi-tasse, larger espresso cups, or individual ramekins. Leave in a refrigerator for 2-4 hours before serving.
I believe Fliss likes to add a little sugar to the egg whites, although I prefer the bitterness of the mousse unsugared. A teaspoon of ground cardamon seeds is a good addition, or a little rum, or…