I wrote these recipes originally for my son Andrew, when he went away to college. I extended them when my youngest son, Christopher, went to university, and have added to them when I wanted to, or when I was asked to.
The first of these were Pages documents that were shared on iWork.com, and could be viewed, downloaded in various formats and printed; most of them are now sitting on this web site in both pdf and html formats. The basic idea was to create a collection of student friendly recipes that are nutritious, cheap to make and simple to prepare, but there may have been some scope creep.
Good luck!
Feel free to share these page with anyone.
The dates on the posts for most of the pages are from when I restored from a backup after a web site problem. The current site is built using Hugo with the Mainroad theme.
A previous version was build using Jekyll and Jekyll-Bootstrap; an older version was hosted via my web site and a WordPress blog, with AutoIndex used to just list the text files containing the recipes.