Levelling Engineering

European Forums

Copied from WoW forums, where it was already a copy from someone else’s post:

What you need

50 Rough Stones (AH Guide 40s)
86 Copper Bars (AH Guide 5g85s)
40 Linen Cloth (AH Guide 1g)
30 Coarse Stone (AH Guide 2g)
135 Bronze Bar (AH Guide 11g)
60 Wool Cloth (AH Guide 3g)
20 Silver Bars (AH Guide 1g50s)
40 Weak Flux (Vendor) (35s)
20 Heavy Stone (AH Guide 1g)
20 Medium Leather (AH Guide 30s)
20 Gold Bar (AH Guide 4g)
40 Iron Bar (AH Guide 3g)
40 Solid Stone (AH Guide 3g)
40 Heavy Leather (AH Guide 2g)
160 Mithril Bar (AH Guide 24g)
20 Mageweave (AH Guide 1.5g)
100 Dense Stone (AH Guide 7g)
200 Thorium Bars (AH Guide 40-50g very variable)
140 Runecloth (AH Guide 15g)

Total Price: ~125g purely from AH.

Goto Orgrimmar

1 ) Skillup to 30 with your Rough stones with “Rough Blasting Powder” (1x Rough Stone)
2 ) Skillup to 50 with “Handful of Copper Bolts”(1x Copper Bar)
3 ) Make Arclight Spanner (6 Copper Bar)
4 ) Skillup to 65 with “Copper Tubes” (2x Copper Bar, 1 Weak Flux (Vendor))
5 ) Skillup to to 75 with “Copper Modulator” (2 Copper Bolts, 1 Copper bar, 2 Linen Cloth)
6 ) Skillup to 85 with “Coarse Blasting Powder” (1x Coarse Stone)
7 ) Skillup to 90 with “Advanced Target Dummy” (1x Copper Modulator, 2 Copper Bolts, 1 Bronze Bar, 1 Wool Cloth)
8 ) Skillup to 105 with Silver Contacts (1x Silver Bar) – Can mix with Practice locks than can be put on AH.
9 ) Skillup to 125 with “Bronze Tubes” (2x Bronze Bar, Weak Flux) and “Large Copper Bombs” (3x Copper Bar, 4x Coarse Blasting Powder, Silver Contact)
10 ) Skillup to 145 with “Heavy Blasting Powder” (1x Heavy Stone) or Whirring Bronze Gizmos (2x Bronze Bar, 1x Wool Cloth)
11 ) Skillup to 155 with “Bronze Framework” (2x Bronze Bar, 1 Medium Leather, 1 Wool Cloth)
12 ) Skillup to 160 with “Gold Power Core” (1x Gold Bar)
13 ) Skillup to 175 with “Iron Struts” (2x Iron Bar)
14 ) Skillup to 185 with “Gyrochronatom” (1X Iron Bar, 1x Gold Power Core) and “Solid Blasting Powder” (2x Solid Stone)
15 ) Skillup to 195 with “Advanced Target Dummy” (1x Iron Strut, 1x Bronze Framework, 1x Gyrochronatom, 4x Heavy Leather) – Keep these for repairbots
16 ) Skillup to 205 with “Mithril Tube” (3x Mithril Bar)
17 ) Skillup to 215 with “Unstable Trigger” (1x Mithril Bar, 1 Mageweave, 1 Solid Blasting Powder”)

Goto Gadgetzan and learn master engineering and back to Org.

18 ) Skillup to 235 with “Mithril Casing” (3x Mithril Bar) and “Mithril Frag Bomb” (1x Mithril Casing, 1x Unstable Trigger, 1x Solid Blasting Powder)
19 ) Skillup to 250 with “Hi-Explosive Bomb” (2x Mithril Casing, 1 Unstable Trigger, 2x Solid Blasting Powder)
20 ) Skillup to 260 with “Dense Blasting Powder” (2x Dense Stone)

Buy Thorium Grenade and Thorium Widget from the vendor in the Engineer’s house in Orgrimmar

The rest will be gained from creating Grenades and Thorium Widgets all the way to 300. If you’re a hunter, you can also make Thorium Shells from 285 onwards.
Should look at making around 35 Thorium Widgets first, as they are used for most high level recipies, and are used in bombs. Also if you’re planning on getting the fire res trinket, its worth going to Booty Bay and getting the truesilver transformer recipe (2x Truesilver, 2 Elemental Earth, 1 Elemental Air) and making 3 of these on your way to 300.

Also worth noting, of that 125g, you’ll be able to vendor/AH most of the spare $!@% for around 40-80 of that.

From US forums

(Another copy of a copy)

1 – 75
You’ll need 85 Copper Bars and 30 Rough Stones
Make Rough Blasting Powder up to 30
Make Handful of Copper Bolts up to 50
Make Copper Tubes up to 75

You’ll need roughly 30 Course Stone and 20 Tin Bars
Make Course Blasting Powder from 75-105
Make Bronze Tubes from 105-125

you’ll need roughly 50 Solid Stone
Make either Heavy Blasting Powder or Big Bronze Bombs up to 150
Make either Red Fireworks (if you kept the Blasting Powder) or Gold Power Cores up to 175

You’ll need 85 Solid Stones and 130 Mithril Bars
Make Solid Blasting Powder from 175 to 200
Make EZ Throw Dynamite II from 200-210
Make Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs from 210-235
Make Hi-Explosive Bombs from 235-250

You’ll need 30 Dense Stones and 150 Thorium Bars
Make Dense Blasting Powder from 250-275
Make Thorium Tubes from 275-300
If you have the Thorium Shells Schematic, you can reduce the amount of Thorium Bars you need, but you’ll need 10 more Dense Stones.

US forums, Kaistana

This one claimed to be original:

Item Qty Skill Green Gray
Rough Blasting Powder 40 1 20 40
Handful of Copper Bolts 80 30 45 60
Arclite Spanner 1 50 70 90
Copper Tube 5 50 80 110
Copper Modulator 20 65 95 125
Target Dummy 20 85 115 145
Silver Contact (5) 2 90 110 140
Bronze Tube 35 105 105 155
Heavy Blasting Powder 40 125 125 145
Whiring Bronze Gizmo 7 125 125 175
Bronze Framework 30 145 145 195
Gold Power Core (3) 10 150 150 190
Exploding Sheep 5 150 175 200
Iron Strut 30 160 160 180
Gyrochronoton 30 170 170 210
Solid Blasting Powder 40 175 175 195
Solid Dynamite (2) 10 175 175 195
Harvest Reaper Kit 5 175 175 215
Advanced Target Dummy 20 185 185 225
Big Iron Bomb (2) 10 190 190 230
Trade Goods Qty
Copper Bar 110
Bronze Bar 165
Iron Bar 120
Silver Bar 2
Gold Bar 10
Rough Stone 40
Heavy Stone 40
Solid Stone 20
Linen Cloth 40
Wool Cloth 70
Silk Cloth 10
Medium Leather 30
Heavy Leather 100
Weak Flux* 40

Here is my personal list. I knew before I started grinding that I wanted to go Goblin, so this list will leave you with all the items needed for the goblin engineering quest, plus some target dummies and mechanical reapers (for the fun of it all). 🙂

EDIT: This will only get you to Artisan. Also, for the items with numbers in parenthesis after them, the number is equal to the number of that item you get each time you craft it. For instance, making silver contacts one time will get you (5) of them.

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