(N)EverQuest Scrolls

Acrylia Conversions

by on May.14, 2003, under Tradeskill

Anyone collecting acrylia ore knows that it sells well in the Bazaar, and has probably got some sort of system for pricing it to sell, based on keeping a close check on others prices. What you may also have noticed is that when someone is buying acrylia, they often buy almost all that is available on the market at one time. Unless you do tailoring or smithing yourself, you may not be aware of the conversion ratios between different ores. These conversions are in common with most other ores, or at least are very similar. All conversions require smithing, but at a low trivial (under 50, approximately).

Tailors will need studs and boning, depending on what they are making. Studs need small pieces; boning needs small bricks. Smiths will want either rings or folded sheets, which need large bricks and blocks. There is a recipe for a sheet of acrylia, but no obvious use for it.

Basic Recipes
acrylia studs – 3 bits – 6 small pieces (3x small/large/block)
acrylia boning – small brick (3x pieces or large/block)
acrylia rings – large brick (block, 3x small, 9x pieces)
folded acrylia sheets – block (3x large, 9x small, 27x pieces)
bits – 2 small pieces
sheet of acrylia – 2 small bricks

2 small pieces – small brick
small brick – large brick
small brick – 3 small pieces
large brick – 3 small bricks
large brick – block
block – 3 large bricks

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