Kael Manor for Armor
by paul on Jan.27, 2003, under Equipment
from eqclerics board:
Kael Manor Cycle is, IMHO, the fastest way to get your plate wearing classes geared for moving up to HoT…. And the fact of the matter is you really only need your plate classes (ie. warriors first) equipped before you move into HoT.
Yes it would be nice to get the silk wearers, chain wearers, and leather wearers some armor too, but in reality the casters and priests are going to be hiding from the AE’s in HoT using walls. And their time will come in HoT. If your guild still balks at only doing the manor (or you need a bit of +CoV work) then go 2 Manors then 1 Arena runs.
If your in a guild that is approaching the velious armor stage in it’s development then only focus on Kael long enough to get 2 to 4 main tanks fully or near fully equipped (it will help alot). Divide this other time by improving your weapons for all melee classes by farming Tawro and Radiir in Umbral every time you possibly can. The weapons they drop, while maybe not uber in some eyes, are tremendous increases in dps for guilds at this stage. The increased dps from the UP weapons plus having a few tanks equipped in Thurg armor will make HoT easier and it is not a huge time sink. Figure on about 2 good solid weeks doing the above 2 items and you should be ready for your initial run at HoT.