(N)EverQuest Scrolls

Buying Everquest Titanium in the UK

by on Dec.01, 2006, under Uncategorized

Isn’t easy. SOE offer it as a retail box only, although you can buy it from the Station online store – but the shipping is $40 (ouch!, for a $20 product). None of the UK games stores seem to every carry it, although at least one seller seems to stock it on Ebay. One UK store that may carry it at times is Strategic Plus; unfortunately, they are closing down. I can remember buying BBC B games from them a long time ago.

So, how about Amazon? Not on their UK store, although the US store carries it – but they won’t ship outside the USA.

People on the SOE boards often recommend DVD boxoffice; they are based in Canada, but offer free worldwide shipping and have the reputation of being reasonably prompt.

One other option is to use a service that will buy a box for you and email the CD key. There are supposed to be several on Ebay (US) that will do this, but several people have posted that they bought from online cd key.

If you buy Titanium, you will have all addons prior to the current expansion, The Serpent’s Spine, (apart from the Prophecy of Ro, which was a high level only expansion) which is available for digital download from Station store or www.eqplayers.com. There is speculation on the boards that a new compilation including TSS will be available in early 2007, and a new expansion will be due not all that long afterwards.

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