The Hero's Journey
This is a grouped series of achievements that should take any character from level 1 to level 85, providing up to date rewards (much of it in the form of gear) along the way. This is intended to solve the problem of choice, as in the question “what do we do next?”. You aren’t forced to follow this progression in any way, but if you ever come to a loose end, just look at the Hero’s Journey and there will be one, clear, “best” option for your character and level to follow, in the form of a specific set of zones and a small cluster of quests.
You can consult the Hero’s Journey in game, in several ways. The first is just by using the Achievements windows; one of the several sets is the Hero’s Journey, which you can open up and inspect down to the level of quest titles. If you want to find out what you have missed in the past, this is probably the best way.
The second is by using the Tome of the Hero’s Journey; click it, and a window will open showing the zones and quests for your level that you haven’t yet completed, including either or both of the Serpent Seeker’s Charm of Lore and the Wanderlust Guild Loadstone quests, and various other long quest series.
Crescent Reach
See the Crescent Reach guide for full details.
Blightfire Moors
See the Blightfire Moors for full details.
Stone Hive
- Welcome to Stone Hive (36-45)
- Sticky Situation (Scout Vreshnar)
- The Saving Salve (Scout Vreshnar)
- Plans or No Plans (Scout Vreshnar)
- Bee Prepared for War (Scout Vreshnar)
- The Golden One (Scout Vreshnar)
- Short Sharp Sting (36-45)
- Buzz on the Bixies (Assistant Avellone)
- The Festering Combs (Assistant Avellone)
- Jokes on You (Assistant Avellone)
- Botanical Busywork (35+)
- A’Mazin’ Plants (Botanist Brezuu)
- Curious Seeds (Botanist Brezuu)
- Sappy Request (Botanist Brezuu)
- Cooking With Honey (35+)
- Nothing to Stew About (Cook Idriak)
- Touchy Feely Flan (Cook Idriak)
- Heads Above the Rest (Cook Idriak)
- Jumjum Research (Cook Idriak)
- Working for Warwing (35+)
- Who’s Who? (Warwing Wendlez)
- Infiltrate the Hive (Warwing Wendlez)
- Honey, I’m Home! (Warwing Wendlez)
- The Queen Bixie (Warwing Wendlez)
- Slayer of Stone Hive (36-45)
Goru’kar Mesa
- Madu’s Armor (40+)
- Wolf Skins for Madu (Scout Madu)
- Bear Pelts for Madu (Scout Madu)
- Snake Skins for Madu (Scout Madu)
- Spider Silk for Madu (Scout Madu)
- Madu Needs More Supplies (Scout Madu)
- Kill Fantoma (Scout Madu)
- Kill Ursalua (Scout Madu)
- Welcome to the Mesa (41-45)
- Minohten Mushrooms (Costica)
- No Place Like Home (Costica)
- Reduce the Scouts (Costica)
- Tuffein Mushrooms (Sorin)
- To Dull the Edge (Sorin)
- These Biscuits are Awfully Hard (Sorin)
- We Need Supplies (Devan)
- Protect the Tuffein (Devan)
- More Supplies for Devan (Devan)
- Nymphs Are a Menace! (Devan)
- Minohten Are a Menace! (Devan)
- Dorina’s Love (40+)
- Dorina’s Love (Dorina)
- Dorina’s Love Letter (Dorina)
- Dorina’s Gift (Dorina)
- Dorina’s Personalized Gift (Dorina)
- Dorina’s Potion (Dorina)
- Dorina’s Lament (Dorina)
- Pranks and Research (46-50)
- Smoke Them Out (Iulia)
- Pluck Their Wings (Iulia)
- Make Gravel (Nedelcu)
- Pull Their Hair (Nedelcu)
- Research the Dromrek (Scout Madu)
- Parlay with the Dromrek (Scout Madu)
- Soothe the Savage Beast? (Scout Madu)
- Parlay with the Dromrek, Again (Scout Madu)
- Reduce the Dromrek Threat (Scout Madu)
- Bring Friends (45+)
- A Bad Dream (Hanook)
- Oh No! (Hanook)
- Stand With Us (Hanook)
- They Are Coming (Peretaenu)
- Ciodaru’s Love (45+)
- Ciodaru’s Love (Ciodaru)
- Ciodaru’s First Gift (Ciodaru)
- Ciodaru’s Second Gift (Ciodaru)
- Protect Kathryn (Ciodaru)
- Ciodaru’s Third Gift (Ciodaru)
- Ciodaru’s Fourth Gift (Ciodaru)
- Protect Kathryn Again (Ciodaru)
- Ciodaru’s Fifth Gift (Ciodaru)
- Ciodaru’s Sixth Gift (Ciodaru)
- Protect Kathryn Some More (Ciodaru)
- Who Wants to Kill Kathryn? (Ciodaru)
- Ciodaru’s Gift Box (Ciodaru)
- Moving Up the Ranks (51-55)
- Pluck It! (Marilena)
- Harpy Horrors (Marilena)
- Tudor’s Beer (Tudor) - FedEx
- Tudor’s Ale (Tudor) - dryads
- Tudor’s Wine (Tudor) - giants, griffins
- Tudor’s Spirits (Tudor)
- Vermin Elimination (Laurentiu)
- Birds of a Feather (Laurentiu)
- Harping on Harpies (Laurentiu)
- Dromrek Must Die (Laurentiu)
- Cleanse Serpent’s Falls (Laurentiu)
- Ekaterina’s Lament (50+)
- Ekaterina’s Lament (Ekaterina)
- It Can’t Be the Queen (Ekaterina)
- Find the Cure (Ekaterina)
- Parts for a Cure (Ekaterina)
- Tunare Save the Queen (Ekaterina)
- Centaur’s Troubles (50+)
- Prove Yourself (Scout Madu)
- Reduce the Thug Menace (Klassr)
- Research the Centaur Malady (Klassr)
- Cure the Malady (Klassr)
- Magnate of the Mesa (41-55)
Blackfeather Roost
- Ascending the Roost (56-60)
- The Ledge
- The Grove
- The Cliffs
- The Mesa
- Reach the Royal Throne
- Kill the Queen of the Harpies!
- Lucian’s Vengeance (55+)
- Kill Harpies and Griffons! (Details?)
- Knock the Nests Down!
- Kill Gayatri!
- Adrian’s Calling (55+)
Find My Son
- Explore the Roost!
- Harass the Harpies!
- While You’re Roosting (55+)
- Griffon Feathers
- Help Poor Fenith!
- A Small Wager
- Raider of the Roost (56-60)
The Steppes
- Conquering the Steppes (61-70)
- Journeyman to the Steppes (61-70)
Sunderock Springs
- Crusader of Scale (65-75)
- Emissary of Sunderock (65-75)
Vergalid Mines
- Disrupting the Mines (70-75)
- Exploring Vergalid (70-75)
- Spelunker of Vergalid Mines (70-75)
The Buried Sea
Secrets of Faydwer
Seeds of Destruction