Surefall Druid
6 November 2002
Levels 2 - 5, North Qeynos and Qeynos Hills
Head back into Surefall to sell and buy the level 1 spells. You must buy Burst of Flame, Flame Lick and Snare. If you are human, you might buy Dance of Fireflies, but keeping your fire beetle eye in a top level slot or in your secondary weapon slot should provide enough light. Sense Animal and Panic Animal are other spells that you might consider; they are both useful in particular situations. Total expenditure on spells should be under 1pp. If you have money left over, buy a backpack or two from the vendors in the rangers guild.
Head back to North Qeynos, and make level 4 there. With the new spells, you can pull from a distance by casting Flame Lick, and can cast Burst of Flame between melee hits. Nothing at this point really runs, so snare isn't going to be very useful. Include bats in your menu, as they have a wider level range than anything else here, and so give better exp. Fire beetles and Klikniks are also fair game; run to the guards if you wish.
At level 4, you should move into the south end of Qeynos Hills, below the milestone. Try to pull your targets away from the path to avoid guards, who will happily kill steal from you. Gnoll scouts will be good targets at this point, and will need snaring to pull, as will bats and rats; this will be the foundation of your fighting technique at later levels. Be careful of Tovar Vmax, a higher level necro who spawns in the SE of the zone and heads NW, and will kill you on sight. You should also train 1 point into channelling as you reach level 4, on a trip back to Surefall.
Techniques now are much the same: pull with snare or flame lick, then melee and burst of flame. You can try to fear kite rats and bats of white or yellow con, but fear at this level doesn't last very long, and is expensive in mana. If you want to try, pull with snare, cast panic animal before they reach you, and chase using melee. Recast fear while you still have mana, preferably before it wears off, which will be in 10 - 20 seconds. Until you can meditate, mana intensive techniques will not be very efficient.
Continue like this until you reach level 5.