Tag: bard
Level 85 Bard Song Lineup
by paul on Mar.14, 2014, under Hints & Tips, Spells & Abilities
Arcane Arietta
War March of Brekt
Dance of the Dragorn
Dirge of the Fallen Rathe or Chorus of Rodcet (if you need hp regen / mana regen for something)
From TNZ, courtesy Sirene_Fippy.
Sarnak Courier Cycle in Lake of Ill Omen
by paul on Apr.18, 2004, under Equipment
a goblin brawler
a sabretooth cat
greater scalebone
a Sarnak youth
a goblin skirmisher
greater skeleton
a Sarnak courier
PH names may not be capitalised as here on track, will have to check. Sometimes a common mob can spawn as the PH; use track to check this. I have seen Iksar brigands and marauders, Sarnak flunkies, sabertooth tigress in the cycle – none of the other mobs, including goblins, so far. The mobs listed above, if they appear, will always be part of a courier cycle, however.
Spawn points are in the area between the windmill and the lake. There are several courier cycles in the area; the ones to the west, closer to the Sarnak fort, are reported not to drop the ring. Two cycles exist between the windmill and the goblin ruins at the lake, one mostly north of the ruins, and one all south of it onto the hill next to the windmill. So far I have only taken a ring from the north of the two cycles.
The best strategy seems to be to look for goblin brawlers and skirmishers first, then greater skeletons/scalebones and sabretooth cats. Sarnak youths (and the occasional flunkie) will be attacked and killed by goblins – as will the courier, if you don’t watch out. Finally chase down the iksars in that valley. Mobs will spawn on the hills to the west, and out the stream to the north, but seem to roam in towards the valley. The exact spawn points seem random, but the northern mobs all spawn at or north of the line of pillars, and the southern spawns are all south of this.
The courier drops… Goblin Gazughi ring, instant clicky invis to animals, essential tool for charm classes.