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File Well for MacOS X Cocoa

I needed a control for an application I am writing, very similar to one that was a common idiom in the NeXT world – a drag well for files. Drag a file icon to the well and drop it in, and the application receives the full path of the file; drag from the well, and […]

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tinyMCE html editor for Cocoa

One thing that’s been missing in MacOS X Cocoa is an easy way to add html editing features. A long time ago, in an operating system far away (NeXTSTEP, of course), it was simple enough to use Terminal Services to add almost anything you want, and I had a very useful set built for html […]

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Objective C Unit Tests

A few notes here: I don’t use Unit Tests as much as I should (probably true of most of us, I guess).  I had built a good, functioning example for a Cocoa class a year or two back, and wanted to make use of that in a new project. There’s a reasonable guide on the […]

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This is in the cocoa-programming Apple list FAQ (if you can find it), but it deserves wider currency. If nothing else, I’m always forgetting the details. If you want to change the __CompanyName__ text that Xcode puts into every single file’s comment headers: defaults write PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions ‘{ “ORGANIZATIONNAME” = “My Company”; }’

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Sending email from Cocoa apps

Any serious modern application should be email enabled – even if only for product feedback. It isn’t that long ago (ok, maybe it is) that I used to have a class to open a port connection and format its content into RFC 822 smtp; the hard part was picking up a server that would accept […]

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Fake Telnet

Is some example code to demonstrate using NSStream. Download here. It uses a category to append to NSTextView, which is a force of habit thing. An efficient append method which scrolls to visible should exist, that handles NSString and NSAttributedString (and quite possibly NSData with an encoding). While writing this category (or rather, rewriting it […]

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Something simple – like a socket set, maybe

Understand from the start that I have forgotten more about TCP port programming than many people ever get to know. I’m not joking, either; I don’t remember large APIs at all well, and have always relied on decent documentation to keep it all together. Liz and I sometimes remark that my modus operandi is that […]

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Amazon lists

I have created two Amazon booklists, one for WebObjects, the other for Cocoa. They should show up if you do a search on Amazon (UK only, I think), for “Cocoa Programming”, or “WebObjects”. I don’t get any referral fees from these lists, so they are a labour of love, and I intend to keep them […]

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Cocoa Internet Version Checking – check for updates…

It seems that almost every new app you see out there has an on-line version checking system. I remember when the first ones started to appear in Cocoa land (probably from Omni), and I sort of coasted and ignored them. Anyway, this week I was running a Cocoa class, and the question arose. There’s an […]

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