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Ruby On Rails: Up and Running, Bruce Tate

O’Reilly seems to be suffering from more typos and code errors than they used to (in the distant past, before perfect bindings). This book suffers from a few that jarred on me. If pressed, I’d describe this book as a reasonable taster for Rails. The authors assume that you are already familiar with the basic […]

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Amazon lists

I have created two Amazon booklists, one for WebObjects, the other for Cocoa. They should show up if you do a search on Amazon (UK only, I think), for “Cocoa Programming”, or “WebObjects”. I don’t get any referral fees from these lists, so they are a labour of love, and I intend to keep them […]

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Mary Berry's Ultimate Cake Book

I bought this book a few weeks ago because it seemed to be close enough to being an important reference book for English cake baking. On that basis, it comes close, but doesn’t win. As a large compendium of English baking, it is very good. Since then, I have baked my way through about a […]

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Books about Bread

I promised to give my suggestions on books about break making. Down below I list a few books that are absolutely first rate, with every aspect showing a deep understanding. Further down I add a few extra books that have helped me along the way, although they may not be as comprehensive as the first […]

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Better, Faster, Lighter Java

I saw this title in a press release from O’Reilly, and was intrigued by the description. For the last few years I have been letting myself concentrate almost entirely on WebObjects, and along the way I have acquired a few programming habits as I have matured as a programmer. This book seemed to embody them […]

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Thinking In Java

by Bruce Eckel. I have been recommending this to my students since I came across the downloadable version of the first edition, which was probably around 2000. Since then I seem to have updated to a copy of the second edition, and I see on Bruce’s web site that a third edition is now available. […]

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Dressage for the 21st Century, Paul Belasik

From his previous books, readers may expect a quirky, self-absorbed, opinionated, “New Age” tour around the periphery of classical riding – but instead we get a comprehensive and practical review of the entire art, with references made to the greats of the (small) body of literature on dressage. Belasik covers the field with chapters on […]

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